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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

trip went well back to the grind

We had exceptional weather- the house was perfect- the pool a great thing to have in the 30 degree heat- all had fun and enjoyed the trip and that's that!

Actually- grams was a bit complainy and niece offered money once then ran out after some special purchases on sunglasses and shoes- I would have thought either of them would have been a bit more thankful- It took a lot to plan find /pay for /and fret about that home rental and I really think that grams could 've been more thankful that all she had to do was show up- I even made her pina coladas and such served to her on the patio- her response was that these are too fattening and she didn't want another while she heaped butter, bacon and pastries all week onto her plate- niece well she got a free vacay and didn't offer gas- food- or any other money- she offered once for booze then ended up running out of money- I should have taken it when she offered the first time it never came to happen again!

Now I'm waiting for- money from damage deposit and cash from the gas company bonus deal! I'll explain that another time!

back to bills to pay and all that!