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Monday, May 30, 2011

bugs be gone

Planted most of the remaining garden plants yesterday but the bugs are so bad I thought I might loose my mind! My son helped but it was not a pleasant task!
I planted the red annuals along the drive way and in the front gardens and then went to do the tomatoes and cucumbers, pumpkins, zucs and melons in the veggie garden. I hope this summer is a good crop. The carrots, beets, radishes, beans and peas seeds are all up. I planted the lettuces ( 5 kinds) celery, cauliflower and cabbage a few weeks ago and we are now eating the greens out of the garden along with the green onions. I look for the potatoes and and melons and all that to come along! I really love fresh garden stuff.

A horrible night followed by a quieter weekend. I fear that my girl is in need of help almost everyday for a while to teach herself to learn to calm the freak out periods. Life has been so cruel to our family and I feel so old and tired. It's really not what I had looked forward to so many years ago when I looked at my husband and saw his handsome smile and glint in his eye. I always thought to myself I hope we make it through with good health to the end....he didn't though and I miss him so much!

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