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Friday, January 29, 2010

Painting furniture cleaning - beer!

These are a few things in my life right now. I got rooms redecorated and painted- I ordered and received furniture and I have started having a few beers during the week at night.

Although I am really pleased with the work I am doing around the house I really need to be careful I don't get into the habit of having a glass or 2 of wine too often or beers.

It's hard though because I am fond of both!

I would really like to loose some weight and the beer and stuff doesn't help!
Well at least I got a lot done even if this means that some nights I drink to reward myself...I think that's what I was doing. I was rewarding myself for all the hard stuff.... I know it's a slippery slope when you do that so at least I am recognising it and trying to curb it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another day another dollar

I can't believe the way money flies out of my wallet and life- I have a birthday for RJ and next thing I know it I have spent the moon in doing over the bedroom and a new lap top then a new under water camera.....

I suspect I am spoiling them in light of the circumstances and I know this will have to stop but I really wish I was rich because spending money comes way too easily to me. I only hope that I don't spend too much and find I am in debt. So far so good. I have enough to cover the expenses and live a little!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

back to fun and games


How could there only be 5 people in my office and one of them never talk to me? Yes folks this is related back to the guy who's haircut was almost an argument.

He went on a trip over Christmas- I learned about it after he left and still don't know where he even went.... normal? I think not! The fact that he didn't say a word to me before or after is just excluding me. That for those of you that don't know is a form of bullying.
The ice princess always speaks cordially to me when they have to speak -but neither say hello/ Good morning and neither do anything to relate to me. She is polite as much as he is but both seem so self involved that they have no time for me. Funny but I see him talk to others and today he hasn't even said hi. I gave him mail and he thanked me but not one word to me other than that.

I'm not like the person who needs all the attention all the time but in working with various divisions and workplaces I have never felt so isolated and unwelcome as I do with this group. yesterday I had my 11 and 13 yr old kids here for 1/2 an hour - he pranced in and looked at the director's office and saw them using the desk to do their homework for 15 minutes before I left. Did he say Hi? No
He gave me a look and asked who's that? My kids I frowned back. a minute goes bay and he asked "how long before we go." I say "10 minutes why?" then he says "I don't think they should be at (my bosses) desk. " I reply that "(my boss ) cleared the desk before he left, so they are fine"
I have worked here 7 going on 8 years and never been told my kids could not sit with paper at someones desk when they are not there. He doesn't even know what my boss said before he left- maybe he told me I could use the space? The fact is that the culture in this workplace is such that having your kids in a few minutes or even an hour is no big deal. he's just trying to make me feel uncomfortable.

Monday, January 4, 2010

holidays- check that one off....

Well I am having a Greek salad from Farm Boy for lunch....(a Canadian grocery place - mostly fruits and meats and veg) I am trying to eat better as the bathing suit weather is just around the corner as is my trip to Miami and the cruise.... I have most of the Christmas stuff done and well I am surprised I pulled it all off this season. I had people for dinner on the Eve friends without family they can hook up with...followed by a jog over to the people we live next to for drinks, more food and a hot tub until 4 am :) . Entertained all siblings/families and my parents Xmas day at my place....some how I got to bed at 5am got the trurkey on at 9am and then made it through all the other stuff and clean up for 20 + people....and then cleaned again the following day for the stuff we didn't have the energy to do. And by we I mean me. I got more done by myself after the fighting got so bad that the kid's got confined in their rooms. Next drove 4 hours to Peterborough for my husband's family dinner. Drove my niece back and got her home safely even though it was in the center town ( an extra hour)and I live in the West end which is where we enter the city.
Then I had the kid's friends over for NY eve..... I bought alcohol free bubbly and popers and hats and I think they had fun!

It was a hard Christmas and I cried many times over the last few weeks thinking of our loss. I tried to laugh and be happy and enjoy the new memories. It got a bit better with the kids and then worst then better then... you know how the pattern goes.
Before school days start again the last day off went by way too quickly. I think the kids listening was at an all time low and we had a bad night. The morning came and went and I got to work late but I'll stay late then, no biggie, but I am still very sad about the whole freak out my daughter did last night. I think it's hormones and stress and being tired. I know she's had a hard time sleeping so we got up early our last day and did a bunch of stuff and I had hoped with all that she'd be tired and sleep well instead she freaked well. I hope despite the nerves and stress of the season we get a bit of a calm over the next month.