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Friday, January 29, 2010

Painting furniture cleaning - beer!

These are a few things in my life right now. I got rooms redecorated and painted- I ordered and received furniture and I have started having a few beers during the week at night.

Although I am really pleased with the work I am doing around the house I really need to be careful I don't get into the habit of having a glass or 2 of wine too often or beers.

It's hard though because I am fond of both!

I would really like to loose some weight and the beer and stuff doesn't help!
Well at least I got a lot done even if this means that some nights I drink to reward myself...I think that's what I was doing. I was rewarding myself for all the hard stuff.... I know it's a slippery slope when you do that so at least I am recognising it and trying to curb it!

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