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Monday, November 15, 2010

green eyes and ham

i just love saying that isn't it clever? I have a cute older kitty with the sea foam green eyes that just make you wonder how he got such a wonderful color!

So My cat MrT....He's much happier these days so he was ignoring me and sleeping in the doggie bed and he must have been mad at us when he was sleeping in the doggie bed those few days cause he's back cuddling and even hoping up on the couches to get to my lap again- he sometimes paws my leg when I sit at the office computer and he needs a little ear rub- He has been more snugly lately than ever and it's nice to see him hanging out like a little gang with little kitty H and M the dog. They always seem to be in the same room together-

So yesterday I was making dinner and I made pesto pasta and I though I had some chicken breast in the freezer and it turns out the only ones I had were the ones I marinated in Terriyaki- not so good with pesto- so what to make....what to make - then I spy the ham! Yessss.... perfect! So I make the pasta and I have to make cream sauce for one kid and pesto for the other and the ham is mild enough to go well with both- and I slice it up and I look down and T and his big green eyes is staring at me....Do you like ham I wonder???? so I toss him a small piece and to my surprise he gobbles it right up!

So in comes H and M, ham any one? I toss the rind to M "snap" gone. H sniffed hers and then pulls it across the floor and gobbles it up. And all the while the big green eyes are still upon me- another piece? Yup- and all through dinner- muchin on the ham-

A piece of meat was never so appreciated!

He also seems to really like the Purina indoor cat food with a bit of grass and stuff to help digestion. He doesn't seem to mind one bit that we changed the food a few times the last few months- I think we settled on the Purina indoor cat blend ( supposed to help with hair balls too and I did find one the other days-----ewwwwwww) one that's the one that they eat the fastest so I think it rated high on the taste!

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