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Friday, November 5, 2010

party and other stuff

Look at the party table it's rocking! And these are the costumes I coordinated with my boy's friends that trick or treated with him!

I was a bit worried about numbers for the party and in the end it was fine- lots of people came that were new and they were all awed by the whole event- I was happy because I had been feeling a bit left behind and that really brought me back to feeling plugged in- I had old friends and new and even a few brothers in law and one of my own brothers showed up- We were all tired and did the best we could to see off the overnight-ers but 3 am party-ers are not good break fast makers!

Sad news came after the party- my close close friends have the news of a new spot of cancer on her only remaining lung. She was told she may be at stage 4 and may have as little as 6-12 months to live. She is so close to me I do not know what I'll do without her and he treats her as his whole world and will be devastated.

I know that I never had to deal with that - My husband was gone in a breath of a regular day just like that- no worrying no goodbyes just gone. I really don't know what's worst.

The party went well and the decos are cleaned up mostly- Now I need to get the Yard stuff in and look at a load or 2 of wood. Life goes on around this sadness and I think it helps in some ways- I still feel this heavy heart all through it-

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