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Monday, November 15, 2010

long weekends are tough

I have high expectations of myself for long weekends and I rarely meet them. Last night I dipped into the wine a bit too much and did nothing much at night- But the weekend I got the kids to help and we cleared a lot of pots from the pots I had bought this summer- cleared the dead and drying flowers and soil from them and even got it all to the recycle- we finally cleared the last of the old metal gazebo frame that has been sitting there quite a while as we were bringing it down in chunks this summer- I got the cover off the gazebo - put that away and re arranged the deck stuff so that the chairs being left out are tucked in under the covered roof- the rugs are vacuumed and rolled and tucked in to the garage- which is really full. I hate it that way too. I unburied the snow blower and got it facing the door for that day when - that 4 letter word hits- I got a new coat for my son and pants too and he really seems to like them- I also got a cute coat for my girl- I think she likes it- not so sure- It's Roxy and I thought it was cute- I hope she wears it-

So with more light on the back porch now maybe my plants will grow a bit better- I still have a bunch or furniture to put together and painting to do and decorating and I also still need to bring my extra bed to the cottage and hopefully set it up before my mom says not to. The beds there are in need of a an upgrade! 2 of the 3 rooms are done and I'd like to get the last one done now-

I really miss my husband and I have been weepy lately when I think of him. I don't think it will ever get better- I also signed up for a dating site but just the free ones as I am not all that serious and then I noticed no one is interested and even the few free " Hi" notes I sent are being ignored. I wish so much I wasn't starting over at this point in my life. It really is going to be hard to get into this dating arena/mosh pit. I will try something soon and hopefully not get crushed.

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