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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is it a PMS moment or...

I engaged in convo with a coworker a few times and I feel like I could make ice cubes off her aura. Today I said something about my family then I asked her about her family name just a passing question and she said where her husband family was from sort of but then said nothing of herself. It was one of those moments where you give the chance for someone to reciprocate and that doesn't happen.

I have a lot of coworkers that I chat with when I see them and this one just always seems to not engage.

The problem is that she ( ice queen) now works right beside me and the lady next to her is also quite cold (Ice Princess cold). So much so that a colleague was offended by her general "ignore you" demeanor and complained to me. I guess she did that because IP works with me. My other problem is that there is a guy I also work with and the thing is when ever I speak to him he either dismisses me or gets aggressive. He got a hair cut and I said " It looks good did you deliberately want to go so short? " as it was a drastic change and he got defensive about the cut..."does it look like an accident?" "No" I reply but "it's just a lot shorter...."He again jumps in "Do you think I would let them do something I didn't ask for?" No" I reply, now getting a bit angry "but you wouldn't be the first to say take a bit off and they swipe the buzzer and now it's too late and it's way shorter than you asked for!" Why would someone act like this then a moment later chat happily with another colleague about something just as fluffy.

Does this seem to be the kind of place you want to hang out in? Two cold hearted bitchy women and an aggressive guy?

There is one guy who is so nice and easy to speak with and the hair guy talks to him. He also talks to the ice princess and she to him... it seems that I am always the one cut out of the equation. It doesn't help that they all do a specific function and I do not I do something different for the team. I say Team because we are one department and rather isolated and I am not sure I made the right decisions coming here now....

I just really don't know what to do...I am starting to hate coming to work. I think I will start applying for other jobs and a try to relocate but with the losses and the extra things to deal with a new job is going to make things even more tough.....

My last 2 divisions were a lot of fun and I enjoyed the people around me, here I feel like I am the odd man out. Last night I was up until 1 am and didn't want to come in today...I had to pep talk my way in and even then I came in later than usual and I now have to stay later.

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