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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tag me out of the ring please!!

I had a horrible night that ended with a glass of wine too many.....I can't seem to get my teenagers to 'get it' when I say to do something.
So when you take out the garbage put a bag in the can and then the smaller kitchen bag. Same for any garbage at all it should be in the can but in a bag as well!!! After 6 months of this it's time for Tibetan monks to record this in their chants so I can play it over and over again to them. "Use a garbage baaaaaaaaaag. "Can't you hear it now?

Don't like being made fun of and called names and I feel like giving up. I actually said out loud to my kids that I wish my husband was here and I was gone. That's how bad it was last night. It's so much to just keep up the usual needs of running a home by yourself and now I am finding that the computer is not working and the gifts are not finished and there is still so much to do! My mom invited herself and all the family over for Christmas day and I now need to host that event. My parents said that they will bring the already stuffed turkey and peeled potatoes which is easier but then I still have a whole house to clean. And I am having terrible problems with the kids. No one picks up anything they use or basically picks up after themselves.

Last weekend we had R's hockey team for a pot luck. I asked her all week to do things each day. Nothing was ever done. She missed going out on Friday trying to get the basement cleaned and the tree up. Then she had her practice and I went to the basement that she told me was done. It turns out that the tree was not finished ( a 3 foot tree with 2 strings of lights and some balls. ) It was a mess, the table had food drips and plates, the floor had not been vacuumed and there were dirty socks and stuff that was supposed to be put away still out. It took an hour to get it done. Another 3 hours to do the rest of the house. She came home and found almost it all done. She got to go to a friend's house and snow boarding the next day. I cleaned up and re vacuumed and washed all the dishes.

When she returned I had a hot dinner ready she then had an hour to relax then had hockey. I think it's pretty reasonable to ask someone to clean up the kitchen after their breakfast the next day....I wish I could understand the mind of a teen, cause apparently that was not the case!

The one thing I miss more than just having someone to talk to is someone to tag me when I run out of follow through energy. I know the key to getting them to listen is consistancy and yet all I have left is tears some days. She was more than a little cruel last night in the things she said and I am having a really hard time with the stuff that was said.

Just after I wrote most of this she appologised for what she said. I think I am happier but frankly I don't know what to feel.

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