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Thursday, February 11, 2010

I hate e-mail

Why I hate e-mail

  • I hate that I go to the e-mail and panic that I haven't heard from someone in 2 days- but I do- I hate that...Seriously 2 days? People are busy why should that panic me?
  • I hate that I sent all these e-mails with people looking for a home for the cat they have and only 1 replied that he's taken.
  • I hate that I look at my e-mails after they are sent and they have typos.
  • I hate that I always feel the need to check my mail- I have driven to a place in the country only to bring a laptop in case I find intranet!
  • I hate that I hardly speak with some people anymore because I can send them an e-mail instead.

Ok the really big one is the house I renting! I really want to make sure that he's renting it to me!!! I am going crazy wondering if he's cashing my cheque and worrying about getting the keys and if I really don't want this all screwed up!!! I hate being responsible!

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