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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

stabbed in the back

Well there are not too many people I count as friends in this workplace= so not too many to talk to. So imagine my surprise when the one person I spoke to about some of my concerns in my workplace turned around and told her boss that people were saying things and he in turn called my boss and told him I was saying all kids of stuff that puts his division in question reputation wise.

I am really upset. I spoke to her as a friend saying that I didn't think the way they ( managers) spoke about clients was ethical and that it bothered me and she turned it on me- now the big bosses think I am a person who runs around talking about others-

I just need to stop speaking about anything to anyone and look for a different job. This place is too small and I just got a bad reputation as a gossip- the really sour part for me is that I made a point to not talk to anyone about this except this long time friend. Now I feel betrayed and stabbed in the back.

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