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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I noticed a pattern

If I find a fault with what my mother says to me things such as "you didn't send flowers to grama " or whatever then I say "Hey that's not fair I was still in shock having lost my husband a few weeks before! " she says "Oh don't be so sensitive-"
If I find a fault with an action she has done such as when she invites everyone to my house never discusses this with me and even picks a time for them to come and then sends it to me along with all the others she invitted by e-mail. So I say "Hey don't you think you should talk with me first before you hit the send button?" she says "Why do you sweat the details? It's not set in stone- "
If I get mad and say anything about people in an attempt to vent just to feel better- especially after listening to her do it all day then she says to me - "all you do is complain. You are always so negative"

So I have to be a plastic daughter and listen to their stories and they don't much worry about me or mine.

It's hard feeling so insignificant.

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