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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sore stomach blues

Was sick is sick will I be sick?

These are the questions on my mind as I sit in my office cubicle and squirm in pain as each hour or so the pain in my stomach gurgles and stabs me from the inside out. A lightning rod of flash pain erupts every so often and I wince when they hit.
Coworker takes note and I say I have some weird cramps- little discussion on that then I go to the bathroom- my stomach gives way and I have a terrible cramp and then like a tap I loose the pain on the toilet. This goes on for a better part of the day. trips to the bathroom both hated and loved- as on the way back the pain subsides...Do I go home?- not like I cannot work through it right? so I stay. Head is aching and hands are freezing- I reach for the soft shawl I keep here and it warms me and I wrap myself in it- I enjoy the chill on my head as I lay my frozen hand there a moment- It seems to calm my screaming head.

I wish as I do daily that my husband was here and that I had insured the Mortgage and that I would have been able to take off more time.....I find that I am unhappy here and worst than being unhappy in your workplace is being in pain and feeling rotten and unhappy there- It's not the workers it's working in general. I wish My husband had taken care of me to the point that I would never want and never have to be at a workplace.

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