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Monday, January 10, 2011

Tcat News...

We have a new outdoor cat- He's so shy he runs at the sight of us he's a marble grey brown one that comes in the evening and gobbles the food up- the first few times he ate 2 bowls- I think he was pretty hungry poor thing!

Tcat sits in the window for hours and if baby kitty H even steps within 3 feet of the door he gets mad at her and pushes her back- big brave protector that he is- He has been on watch for a few weeks now- we go over and praise him and he purrs...he feels pretty important!When he sees him he meows and makes all kinds of noises - reminds me of the Three Stooges with the yelps and squeeks and whoops he makes !

Other behaviours are the lap sitting- oddly enough he suddenly decided that he likes to hop on my lap and does so pretty close to everyday now. He also went from end of the bed to beside my pillow on the bed. He curls up right by my face and I pull the blanket up on him and all you see is a little white fur pillow when he tucks his head in. I leave him there after I get up if he comes later in the morning and gets all comfy.

He still pees on the couch downstairs occasionally- my son has been cleaning the litter everyday and if he misses a day once in a while we have a "an incident". I have a plastic cover on the couch and we Javex it when he "goes" there....So it's not ideal but we are managing without loosing the couch-

He seems more and more happy with Hkitty Now that she is older she plays and snuggles and he really seems to enjoy her company- He also loves Mdog mat and he keeps wandering over and crawling up on the mat with Mdog and they look like Ying and Yang curled up side by side black and white. Mdog gets and nose to nose every so often from Tcat but nothing makes me laugh more than when Mdog wants him off the bed and takes a bite on the side and shakes the whole bed around ! Tcat just stubbornly sits there on the bed being swung around and shaken for a while before he gives up the spot! Funny as they are when ever I am in the living room they all sit with us and if I move to the office they all relocate to near the office and if we go up stairs they all wander up there pretty soon after! I kinda like when I come out of the bathroom and see the cats on the bed and the dog on the floor- They all come wandering over when I get home for the hello greetings! We have noticed that if you call Tcat in a high voice he starts rubbing the wall /table or whatever is near like he is self petting- We have been practicing- if he's walking by I call his name in a high voice and he instantly stops and rubs himself and blinks at you....pretty funny! Then he always gets a good petting and ear rub!

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